A. General info for all

Get to know some general info about the program, its idea & concept, and benfit for users

A1. What is The Johari Space?

A tool for better understanding yourself
The Johari Space provides you a clearer picture about:
– Your strength, your uniqueness, what is holding you back from reaching your full potentials, how to amplify your strengths & up level yourself
– Your behavioural patterns, which are rooted in your thinking & emotional pattern, how to improve the decision making
From there, to build up your confidence, improve the decision making & upgrade yourself

A tool for self-discovery
The Johari Space will not only help to know who you are & how you are doing now, but also provide an environment to discover more about who you would like to be in the future, what else you can do… There must be lots of surprises and fun awaiting for you along the journey.

A tool to get you closer to your purpose
Through the journey, you may find some hints about what you really want in life. Let’s project your future & plan yourself to get there
Remember that it’s never a destination. Always keep your eyes open, and your mind open.

A2. What is Source Code? Why do we need Source code?

The source code is an adaptation from the zero knowledge proof. This helps us to easily reset our bias and expectations, keeping the mind open. It also enables us to credit your efforts while maintaining a certain level of confidentiality. We will only be referring to you via the source code on our communications.

Your source code is your account in the program, all the responses, progress, credit, talents…will be recorded under your account – your source code (instead of name/ email/ or any other personal data). Your Source code is unique, different people will never have the same source code.

A3. How does the Johari Space work?

A sketch of Who you are today:
– Form A: Self-reflect on what you think is your strengths, what you love to do, your skills & personality traits
– Form B: Ask people around about what do they think about you. There is no right or wrong, their perspectives provide more puzzle pieces into a bigger picture of who you are, your talents and potentials…that maybe you are not always fully aware of. Let’s understand & explore more about you through others
The Johari Space will be providing you the first Report and recommending activities to amplify your strengths & discover more about you

Record your progress & reveal more about yourself
The Johari Space will process the activities you submitted, give more perspectives, re-evaluation of the skillset and provide more activities accordingly
The more you engage & take part in the activities, the more analytics and evaluation will be provided.

A periodic mapping of Who you are along the journey
How much do you progress? How much change and transformation have you made?… will be presented
Where are you heading to and What do you want to do next…will be

A4. Can I join The Johari Space?

If you are individuals who are:
– curious about what the future could be, and would like to prepare yourself as much as possible for a better future to come
– preparing yourself for an important milestone in life (ex: choose studying field, career change, promotion,…)
– experiencing quite a lot but not knowing What you really love
– not so comfortable opening up yourself to others and prefer a private space to share & to be listened
– having some existential questions once in a while

If you are organisations who are:
– looking for a training program for your members
– seeking for a framework to evaluate & challenge your members

The Johari Space is definitely designed for you.

B. Issue with the Steps for individual users

Let’s get you though the process smoothly

B1. Step 1. Register source code
B1.1. How to know if I register successfully or not?

Once you submit the form and see a Thank you message, your registration is done. No other step is required.
You will need to wait for 40 minutes for your source code to be loaded into the program before proceeding the next steps

B1.2. I forgot my Source code

Option 1: Check your email. If you type in your valid email, there should be an auto-email sent from google forms after you register Source code.
Option 2: Register again with another email ID (as each email can register once). Note down both email ID & Source code so you don’t forget it
Option 3: Email to , using the same email when you registered Source code, and ask to recover your Source code

B2. Step 2. Self reflect. Fill in Form A
B2.1. I do not find my Source code in the list of Q13.

Remember that after register the Source code, you will need to wait for 40 mins for the Source code to be loaded into the program.
Reload the page and check again. If you still do not find your code in the list, text us your Source code

B2.2. I chose a wrong Source code on Q13

Then you may need to fill in Form A again, choose your own Source code on Q13 and re-submit the form. Only when you choose your Source code, the response will go under your account and be updated in the Progress update

B2.3. How to know if I submit Form A successfully or not?

Once you choose your Source code on Q13, submit the form and see a Thank you message, you are done with this step
Go to COMMUNITY to check your progress on Excel table. Find your Source code, in the column 1.SELF, “1” = your response in Form A is recorded already. Let’s move to step 3. If not, you may need to redo Form A and remember to choose your Source code in Q13 so the response comes under your account

B3. Step 3. Send Form B to other people
B3.1. My people chose the wrong Source code

They will need to fill up Form B again and choose your Source code. Only when they choose your Source code, their responses will come under your account

B3.2. My people responded on Form B but the number is not updated when I check my progress

– If they fill in English form: The update is constant, that’s said, the numbers will change right when people fill up Form B for you. If not, there is high possibility that your people chose the wrong source code. If so, they will need to fill up Form B again and choose the correct Source code of yours. Only when they choose your Source code, their responses will come under your account.
– If they fill in fill in Vietnamese/ Chinese form: The update will be within 24 hours. If after 24 hours the number still doesn’t change, there is high possibility that your people chose the wrong source code. If so, they will need to fill up Form B again and choose your Source code. Only when they choose your Source code, their responses will come under your account.

Sometimes, you just need to refresh the browser 🙂

B3.3. I would like to see my people’s responses on Form B. I’m curious how they perceive me.

If you complete Form A & min 30 responses in Form B before day 20th of the month, The Johari Space will analyse and email you the Report on last Sunday of the month. Once you get your report, you can reply the email and request program to send you a summary of Form B.

B3.4. How to check How many and Who answered for me on Form B?

Check here in page COMMUNITY

B3.5. When my progress will be updated in page COMMUNITY

– Form A: update instantly
– Form B – in English: update instantly
– Form B – in other languages: update within 24 hours, as the system will need to translate into English
Make sure your own Source code had been chosen so that the responses will go under your account and the progress will be updated accordingly

B3.6. Why my account is marked: Suspended? What should I do?

The system is running some filters to detect & exclude fake data/ computer-generated data/ self-generated data/ and unqualified data. Check this video for details

There is a possibility that your data is suspended for the same reason. If you believe that it’s a mistake, feel free to get back to us for for an interview & we will proceed from there.
Book a call for interview here. Provide your Source code & “Interview for suspended account” in the Subject.
Due to data security, make sure that you provide the same email & Source code, else, request will be rejected automatically without any further notice

If you want to re-join the Johari Space program, you can start over by registering new Source code from Step 1.

B3.7. What if I do not have enough 30 responses on Form B?

Just send the Survey to everyone in your circle, friends, colleagues, family members, even those who you talked to only one or several times, even those you just message/email or chat without any physical contact yet…everyone in your life has a specific perspective about you and they all matter in giving more insights about you. You will be surprised about yourself though 🙂

A participant of us reached 108 responses. She was really a shy person, not many friends, even didn’t not use social media 🙂 You can break the record!

30 is the minimum requirement that the Johari Space can start analyse and have some first sketch about you. Else, the program can not proceed

B3.8. I’m shy to send out Form B and ask how do they think about me

It’s understandable. But everything is just a perspective. How other people think about you will reveal a lot about the Unknown are that you may not fully know about yourself, open up new doors to explore your hidden potentials/ capability/ the unconsciousness… You will be surprised about what you do not know yet about yourself and how much capable you are in real

The more people you reach out for responses, the more insights you will have

B3.9. I am afraid to bother my friends/ colleagues/ acquaintances…so I don’t want to send them Form B

The fact is that people love sharing feedback and comments about others, so don’t worry, just ask how do they think about you. The form will record only their perspectives, not their name or any personal data, so they will be open to share their perception. Every perspective counts

B3.10. Why do I need to care about what others think about me?

Why not? 🙂 ” We know about ourselves through others”. That’s how the program works.

Remember that it’s all about perspectives. You do not care about what people think about you, but you care how people think about you helps you understand yourself better, discover the potential you and see you from different perspectives. It’s a journey of asking, exploring and discovering the evolutionary you

B4. Step 4. Receive Report by email
When do I receive Report?

If you complete Form A & min 30 responses in Form B before day 20th of the month, The Johari Space will analyse and email you the Report on last Sunday of the month. If you miss the window, kindly wait for next month’s release

I still do not get the Report by email

– Check on page COMMUNITY, in the ACCOUNT STATUS:
“3. TEAM RELEASE CERT” = Team is processing & preparing your Report. Kindly wait until the last Sunday of the month
“4. BOOK REVIEW CALL” = Report has been sent to the email you used to register Source code. Kindly your Junk mail/ Spam. Email’s subject should be “Johari Space”, sent from
– If you still do not get Report, please write to us , provide your Source Code & use the same email that you registered Source code, we will get back to you

Can I see a Report sample? What are included in the Report?

We keep upgrading the Report every month, there is no Report sample, but you could have a look at the one of the release here

The report will cover:
– The Johari Windows
– The skill set & personality traits
– Recommended activities to reinforce and reflect
Guidance to book review call 1-1 to interpret the Report & how to fully utilise it for your self development journey

B5. Step 5. Review call & recomended activities

C. Issues with the Steps for influencers

Let’s get you live updated about your work flow

C1. How to check how many people joined under my reference and their progress?

How to calculate my projected income?

D. Issues with the process for corporates

Let’s help you manage your people’s progress

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