D1. Fear - our defence mechanism

By VA799 - FOMO vs JOMO

D2. What triggers fear of failure?

By DAV79 - The wall of fears. Which numbers do you have? Alarm @ No.8 - A'tychiphobia

D3. Ego - Fear?

By INN6 - the role of "ego" in triggering the fear. Do animals have fear of failure?

D4. How to handle fear of failure?

By SAHN - action list. Stories from audience about how do they handle their fear of failure


Share with us a quote about the Fear of failure

What’s your quote?

can you add into the list?


The Puzzle story

Click to play the puzzle & reveal the entire story about Fear of failure
– by 93RIS


– I might fail!

– So what?

We fail everyday. Don’t you believe that?

An exercise to keep failing

– Record what you do in a day
– Reflect your “open-mindedness”: What could you have done better if you were more open minded?
– “The critical you”: What else could you have considered before taking action/ decision?
– Reflect again: How can you come back and correct yourself now?
–  Improvise. How do you feel? 


What participants talked about TALKSHOW - FEAR OF FAILURE